
Mirabilis ICQ
Used for contacting each other online -- the main way of communicating with each other in DJO. Setup Questions answered here.

Freelancer Supplies Bay
For the game Freelancer and TFA, this site contains useful donwloads, information and
Server Status. TRA (part of DJO) also has FL servers as well as further downloads and information.

DJOScript v2.1 (IRC)
Installable file 4.8MB

Used for meetings.
Installation notes:
1.  don't install over previous versions of DJOScript
2.  directory name may not be longer then 10 characters and may not contain spaces for the sound effect and scripts to work.

Bios Page
Shows your current status, rank, ribbons, XvT story, war results, promo record, personal info and real life story.
Bios Editing Page
Allows you to edit your XvT story, personal information and real life story on your bios page.

Reports should be delivered every second and fourth week of the month. Pilots (enlisted) are to report Sunday to Tuesday, Flight Leaders reports are due by Thursday latest. The Executive Officer report is due on Friday, Squadron Leader report is due on Saturday. Below are links to the example report forms.
Enlisted Example Report
Flight Leader Example Report
Executive Officer Example Report

BattleStats Main Page
This is the site used to view and submit WoW results and disputes. Everything else concerning WoW, such as rules, participating clubs, participating club members, ..., can be found here too. Also info about other upcoming events such as tournaments, ladders, ..., will be available here if relevant.
BattleStats TFA Members Overview
This link brings you to the page where you can see the names of the registered TFA Players by Squadron. This is the place to check whether you are indeed assigned to Phoenix. If you see your name in the "Unassigned" list, you should go to the Players Profile Maintenance page to assign yourself to Phoenix (link below).
BattleStats New Player Registration
This link brings you to the page where you can register yourself for WoW and other wars. You only have to do this once. You have to do this to be able to participate in WoW as a member of Phoenix. Just follow the guidelines that are given on this page to complete the process. If you experience difficulties with it, please contact your Flight Leader.
BattleStats Player Profile Maintenance
This link brings you to the page where you can edit your players profile. It's useful to do this when you entered your TFA Rank and got a promotion. Just enter your callsign (without TFA_ in front of it), your id-number and your private password and you're in. You can also join other clubs through this link.

RAd BattleDog's Battle Manual
A masterpiece of literature telling you everything you need to know to become a master in online gaming in X-Wing vs Tie Fighter.
XvT Key Layout (200k)
Three JPEG files showing the keys for XvT, incase you have lost your manual. This is very important in improving your flying skills.
DJO Meetings Archive
Here you find the logs of the DJO Meetings. These meetings take place on Thursdays, 2:30 GMT/3:30 CET, yes in the morning.

DJO Recruiting Manual
Tips and tricks for doing your bit to strenght Phoenix, TFA and DJO. Other guides do exist. (download manual here)

XVT Pilot Renaming Tool
Self-extracting 400Kb
Utility to rename your pilot's name in XVT without loosing Game Rank.
XWA Pilot Renaming Tool
Self-extracting 300Kb
Utility to rename your pilot's name in XWA without loosing Game Rank.
XvT Mission Editor
A great editor that allows you to create and edit your own missions in X-Wing vs Tie Fighter.
XvT Mission Editor Manual
The online manual for XvT Mission editor written by the author of the program himself.