***BEGIN TRANSMISSION*** To: Lieutenant ExampleFlightleader From: Pilot ExampleEnlisted Hail the Alliance! PL_ExampleEnlisted Report: Current XvT Rank: Ace3rd. Current XWA Rank: Ace3rd. Planned Online Times: (example) Wednesday and Friday 2200-2400 GMT (important: time zone). Last two weeks online (approx.): 12 hours. Zone Time (approx.): 8 hours. Recruiting (approx.): 1 hour, you may add here TFA_names through Boot Camp you recruited. Suggestions/problems/comments: Though these normally should be sent to the Flight Leader as soon as they occur. Long Live the Alliance! PL ExampleEnlisted Flight Group Example Phoenix Squadron/Euro Wing Youremailaddress@yourserver.yourcountry ICQ: 12345678 Tie Fighter Alliance ____________________________________________________________________ Serving the Emperor's Wishes ***END TRANSMISSION***