TFA into the ceremony hall, I repeat TFA into the ceremony hall !!!
Written by Steeler.
The next day was coming, last nights party on the Calamari
Cruiser Bohica was heavy. As result Steeler was sleeping very deeply and not
even a canon shot could wake her up. The whole TRA fleet was out of order and
would be beatable but for announcing the league results there was made peace
for three days. Togorian and Squires discussed right now how to awake the Director
of Events as there was an incoming transmission from the SSD Sovereign. A very
angry TFA Fleetadmiral appeared at the screen: "Where is the Director of Events?
She should be here already since two hours!? Togorian!!!" Flamestrike stood
behind his superior: "Yes, rebels where is Steeler? You didn't captured her
or? Don't even think we allow you this!" Togorian went angry too: "Who do you
think I am? I don't hijack fellow DJO directors! We had a party last night as
you can imagine..." He turned around to Squires and said more calm: "Find a
way to wake Steeler, I will try to deal with Rodeo."
To wake up an exhausted Director was a hard task, not even a bucket of ice-cold
water helped Squires. Denber stood next to him: "I dont understand, she didn't
even drunk a single bit." "Think of a solution Denber, Rodeo is shortly for
exploding. Such an incident can end in a war." Right now Bar2D2 came around
the corner: "Troubles?" Squires briefed him shortly and the droid smiled: "Look
and learn guys." He went over to the Director of Events and said: "Somebody
has stolen the TFA trophy." What a bucket of ice-cold water couldn't reach,
this sentence did. Steeler jumped on her feet shouting: "What?!" Squires explained
what happened and Steeler decided to hurry very fast over to the TFA fleet.
First she had to go to the meeting point at a neutral station, there her escort
was already waiting in two gunboats. "There she is, damn Steel... where were
you? We already feared that the rebels decided to take you as hostage." "Is
that you Raider?" The Phoenix SL answered: "Of course. Did you expect somebody
else then your former squad mates?" Steeler laughed: "Well, Flamey get's old,
so more or less... no I expected you. Who's second?" "Cobra." "This is what
I call, meet with the past. Let's hurry before I get shortened for one head.
I have some things to discuss with the Fleetadmirals before the award ceremony
is starting."
Four hours later the whole TFA stood in attention in their ceremony hall and
waited for Rodeo, Flamestrike and Steeler. They were again late, but finally
they arrived. Steeler headed over to the podium to hold her speech. The tension
into the hall was feelable, nobody knew who had won. Steeler grabed her TFA
folder and started to speak:
"Greetings pilots and officers of the TFA. The time has come to award the
best mission flying pilots of the league. The event was very long and to gather
the win was a very hard piece of work. First of, I thank every single pilot
who spent some time into the mission. Not all could beat every mission and some
of you even ended in the medic bay, but you are all winners in my eyes. And
so will also the awarding look like. This speech will be a long one, a very
long one. It will reflect the outstanding participation rate TFA and especially
Wing IV was able to manage. But first of, some words to the final round of the
DJO Mission League.
The last round saw again more participation because the mission was more easy
then mission four. So TFA managed to get again 34 reports in. To name the pilots
who flew would take too long, you know who you are. I congratulate all for your
participation, it was again a pleasure. Winner of this round is Lieutenant Commander
Nazdakka with a stuning result. Very well done, this balanced nearly that you
missed two full rounds of the event. Second place is going to Lieutenant Commander
Sacrilegius from Condor and third place to Commander Apocalypse from Phoenix.
Congratulations gentlemen for your very good scores. Also the last round was
won by Phoenix squadron which managed to link top performance with good scores.
Falcon is second this time and to make the Wing IV triumph march perfect Eagle
grabbed place three. One word more about this wing, their new formed squadron
full of beginners made place five only beaten by Storm squadron. Impressive
Condor, very impressive.
Now to the awards for the pilots, as said participation is handeled very high
and so every pilot who submitted a result, failed mission or not will recieve
a ribbon
. Let me explain the procedure, pilots who flew one or two missions will recieve
the simple participation ribbon. Pilots who flew three missions will recieve
the Participation ribbon in bronze. Pilots who did four missions will be awarded
with the Participation ribbon in silver. And the pilots who did all five missions
will be awarded with the Participation ribbon in gold.
So here we go through the single squadrons:
Rest of TFA Wing IV Phoenix Squadron:
Delta Squadron: Gryphon Squadron: |
That's a list hm? Again congratulation to everybody, you all deserved this ribbon.
Some may be not in the squadrons anymore but they did a very good job.
Now we go on with the top three overall scoreres, the mission hot shots of TFA.
For a long time it looked already won by Jodokast from Storm but well, at the
end it was only place three for him. Place two is captured by Apocalypse from
Phoenix, who managed to gather this place with one missed round. Luckily it
was the mission with the lowest possible score but it deserves a lot of respect
not to give up even if one round is wasted and of course to be at the top then,
is outstanding. But the top scorer of TFA is Raider also a Phoenixian. You three
can be very proud of yourself. Here is the list again:
Place one: Commander Raider from Phoenix
Place two: Commander Apocalypse from Phoenix
Place three: Admiral Jodokast from Storm
Congratulations gents, the ribbon for this will be in your Bios soon. Now we
come to the squadron awards, there will be two. First of for the most active
squadron, Phoenix stand to. You guys managed to get 46 entries in,
this is more then the whole TRA fleet together. Again congratulations, all pilots
from your squadron who flew the league will recieve the special ribbon for this.
And now to the trophy, until now it rested in the safe in my office on Coruscant
but now it's time that this trophy goes to the league winner. And the winner
is nobody else then Phoenix squadron again. You guys dominated the league
from the begin in a stuning way. This trophy is well earned. Congratulations
Phew, now I can come to an end, finally. Again I
thank all participants of the league. There will be a small surprise from event
soon, so keep your eyes open at this comlink. The ribbons will appear in the
next days in your Bios, give logistics some time to add them. This is all from
my side and now PARTY and Phoenix is paying, weeeeee!!!!
Editor: Raider
The Authors and Editor have done their best to ensure the accuracy and currency of all information in this story. All information is current to 24/09/2001 and we can accept no responsibility for any loss or inconvenience sustained by any reader as a result of its information or advice.