Swift Arrow - Black Storm Chronicles

Written by Jlo (Iota)

Reporter's Log 00024

There was a sense of urgency and readiness throughout Black Storm. Everyone was doing pre-flight checks, going over formations, making sure that everything was ready to go at a moments notice.

The commanders were in the ready room, going over our attacks, and counters. Planning out the Victory that would become ours by the end of this Battle.

As you walk down the long, winding corridors, you can see what fine pilots that will come out of this Station. Pilots from such squadrons as Delta, Iota, Omnicron, Omega, Beta, Phoenix, Condor, Hawk, and Raven. All which have pilots just waiting for that order. "We are go for launch".

There is a sense of brotherhood and one of a family here in BlackStorm. Everyone watches out for everyone. We take care of each other, and we have seen many battles, all coming out in the end the victor.

As we approach Peon Prime, everyone stops their duties as Commander FlameStrike readies himself for a speech.

“Fighter Pilots and Officers of Black Storm....

A dark storm is approaching in the form of war. This is a time to put down your differences and unite as one. A lone re-con reported that a heavy assembly of capital ships have entered in this sector and are preparing for war. Heavily burdened freighters, rich is minerals, food, aid and essential equipment and weapons are closely guarded by swarms of unknown Capital Ships and Fighters.... This was the last transmission sent by the hapless re-con pilot whom never made it back to our fleet. We must rally our forces to stop them dead in their tracks. Pilots, I will not order you to throw down your lives over a cause you have no knowledge of. Its simple mathmatics. Its either them or us. They have made there intentions known. Now it is time we made ours known.


Only the might of the Imperial Black Storm Legion stands in their way. Battle Orders have been sent to your commanders. Everyone is preparing for a war that will reshape this universe. From all corners of the galaxy, our mighty forces have answered the cry for war and currently mustering everything within their arsenal to our cause.


We are Imperials, our Legion is doom. Rally to your ships and be prepared to exert the wraithful might of Black Storm upon our enemies. God help their souls.


May the Dark Force forever protect and guide her loyal Black Storm faithfuls.”


As Commander FlameStrike stepped down from the podium every pilot jumped and shouted in agreement and in joy. I knew that Flamey would lead us to victory.....

It was a new day. Everyone was in their quarters going over our latest reports and orders. As I ventured further into the station I came across the Squadron quad. This was where I could go to any Squadron and see what was going on.

As I walked towards Phoenix's hangar, I noticed a lot of excitement and eagerness. I strolled down the corridor to the legendary Phoenix hanger bay. Inside there is a sense of anticipation, eagerness, and activity. As I stand, gazing around the hangar, looking at all the pilots, I can see everyone in a relaxed state, and a sense of pride nearly overcomes me.

Apocalypse is preparing pizza and beer by his personal A-wing, Akkon and Ace are loading their warheads into their Ties, while Starke is busy pulling case after case of what looks to be the great tasting Duvel beer from the infamous YT2000 Turo. Over to one side are the veterans. Those that have seen it all, or so they think! Duke and Meister are busy relaxing in their chairs, drinking a soda and laughing about the old times, waiting for the order to scramble into battle.

Unfortunately not all pilots in Phoenix Squadron will have the honor of flying into this battle. Cobra and Kokeeno, will stay aboard as to motivate their fellow brothers. They will make sure that their fellow pilots stay sober so as to be at their best when the orders to fight come. Then right near me, I can see the new recruits. The newest pilots of Phoenix Squadron, Acidpain and Dragoon. They are passionately going over fighting maneuvers, discussing strategies and making sure that their crafts are ready at all times.

As I continued down the Phoenix hanger, I came to a side corridor. One leading to the Squadron Leaders's office.
"Commander Raider"
As I walked into his office I saw the commander reading over his reports, seeming to know exactly what needed to be done and when to do it.
" Ah, Jlo come in, sit down. What can I do for you today?" said the young Commander.
"Thank you Sir,"
"I was wondering I could get a statement about your Squadron?"
"I'd be glad to."
Raider coughs, clearing his throat...
"We have been preparing hard for Operation Swift Arrow, and Phoenix will be there when needed. Phoenix stands ready to fight along side you all and personally, I think with teamwork we can win!"
"Please tell Flamestrike and the rest of Battle Group Green,"
"I have twenty pilots, all ready and waiting."
"Twenty Phoenixians, all ready to fight!"
"Ok I will deliver that message personally. Thanks for your time Commander."


As I walked into down the Corridors, I came to a set of double solid oak doors.

Ok well lets try somewhere else.


As I came to the Omega main hall, I noticed the beaver pilots drinking, partying, and having fun. There was a rough, forged in battle friendship among these weathered pilots and it was plain to see whoever came against them would be in for a rough defeat. Suddenly the SL and XO walked into the room and all the pilots dropped their drinks and what they were doing and stood at a sharp attention for their command staff. It was funny to see them going from party animals to soldiers in the blink of an eye. The XO and SL spoke eloquently and when he was finished, he announced that drinks would be on him and for all the pilots to get ready to kick some butt.

As I continued down Omega's corridors, I came to a group of offices. One of which belonging to the SL's office. "Commander SithSensei"

As I walked into his office I saw the commander reading sitting in his chair, looking through some logs.

"Ah, Jlo come in, sit down. What can I do for you today?" said Sith.

"Thank you Sir,"

"I was wondering I could get a statement about your Squadron?"

"I'd be glad to."

"Omega is a strong squad with a lot of crazy people. We have an incredibly active staff, and I am sure that we will have an excellent showing in Swift Arrow and have fun doing it."


As I walked down the corridor to the cramped hanger bay of Beta Sqaudron, I was flown to the ground as a massive blast erupted from within their hanger. As got back up and dusted myself off, I slowly crept my way up to the hanger bay doors. Just inside I stood their looking at the mess that was the Beta Squadron Hanger.

I saw what looked to be a ship, sitting in the middle of their hanger. "Um, excuse me, is that suposed to be a ship?" I asked to the earest crew member.
"Sir yes sir, that is what will become the great Strike Cruiser Lady NilNaara. It's not much now, but she'll be a beauty when she is done."
" Alright, thanks, carry on." I repsponded.

As I looked around more closly this time you could see the dozens of tiny tugs and work-drone craft drifted around the hull of the ship, slapping metal onto the unfinished hull, welding turbolaser cannons into place, fitting windows and support struts onto the incomplete frame of the new ship. Workers were busy making sure that everything was on track and on time. As the shift came to a close, the pilots, tired, and sore from the hard's day work slowly sifted out of the Hanger, ready to sleep and do it all over again the next day.

As I walked back down to the main Corridor I bumped into a tired, beat-up Dark Saber.
"Sir, good to meet you, may I have a word?"
" Not now Jlo, I'm sorry but I need to get to my duties, maybe tomorrow."responded a weary DS.
"No problem sir, you know where to find me, good day."

Once I began to walk do to the Condor Hanger, I noticed that there seemed to be a lot of medels and awards displayed. It seemed as if every member of Condor had at least 10 medels or awards on display.

Once inside, I was overwhelmed by the amount of honor, prestigue and well know officers that were in Condor. There were the famous Falcon officers, who were more than qualified to do any task set before them. Then there were the pilots. They would train to become some of the best in all of Black Storm, but they would be tested. The only part of Condor that I was allowed to view was the information room. Here was all the history, information relating to Condor, and anything that they felt would be vital for their visitors to know.

The thing that kept catching my eye was a large picture of a Frigate. Not much was told about it, just that it was being built on a small planet near Zulon, and that 2,500 workers were working around the clock to get it built to use in the up coming battle.

"Wow, she is a beauty, she'll be a good ship, that she will."
As I walked around, and waited for someone to talk to, I unfortunitly was unable to talk to anyone from Condor.
"Maybe nect time."

I then proceeded to walk back to the quad.

As I came into the Iota hanger, I saw Joraxle standing in the main hangar of his new ship, no their new ship. It had been christened The Vindicator to honor the Frigate that had been decommissioned. The Iota Squadron Pilots were rushing about the hangar like a child with a new toy. Smiles were on every face and exclamations of "oh Kewl!" could be heard as one of them discovered a new feature. LtC Tredegar and LtJ Jargis were going over the newest models of the Fighter Trainers with the new Recruits. SP DiabloRod was scolding a droid for not polishing his new TIE just right.

 Yes, the boys were ready. Joraxle stood there in the midst of all the activity and just soaked it all in. LtC Magellan came and stood beside him. "She's a fine ship, sir," he said with a smile. "The boys are rarin for a fight sir. I'd hate to be the one to disappoint them."

 "We're not going to do that Mag, These boys want to fight, we're gonna give just what they want!" Joraxle laughed. Jor looked around, "Give the word Mag."

 Magellan smiled, "Aye Sir!"


As I ran back down the corridor to my office to jump into my flight suite, I realized that this battle station was about to go to war, and it was more than ready. As I climbed into my Tie Fighter I had a brief moment to look around, look outside into the vastness of that black space, and it finally hit me, it was time to fight.....

“Jlo, your clear for take off” stated a young SP Damg into my headset.

“Roger that Iron Eagle, lets fly the coop....”


Author: Jlo

Editor: Raider

The Authors and Editor have done their best to ensure the accuracy and currency of all information in this story. All information is current to 24/09/2001 and we can accept no responsibility for any loss or inconvenience sustained by any reader as a result of its information or advice.