Richthofen's Diary
Chapter 1
"Fire! Fire! Grill those Rebel asses!"
What was that? Was it LtC Shadow Warrior our great Squadron Leader? I think it was his voice, but what does he say? I know that it is important.... Nevertheless, I cannot get my head free for it. Was it Fire or what? Yeah.... That was it...fires...yeah FIRE.... FIRE.... Yes Sir I understand! I shake my head and the few lightballs in front of my eyes turn slowly.... Too slowly.... Much too slowly.... Into a Starfield.... Hmmm not this one I guess.... Yeah it's Sector 478-364...but...why do I know? ...Oh yeah right. It is here on my display...yep...I know now.... Rebels...Starfield.... Explosions...without any noise?
"AAAAHHH! Damned!"
I am back! Back from silence...from Death...alike, I am back! And that is what counts now.
I bring the Tie Interceptor under my control again and take Position in the Flightgroup beside my Wing again.... Good old Kurt who saved my life so many times, although I am at least only 40 days and 40 nights in the Alliance now.
"Big SSSHHH Cross right CRACK 40 to 65"
Where comes this noise from...Flying a Big Cross Formation to the right side 40 degrees on X- and 65 on Y-Axe from the starting Point? Ah there they are! Now I see you scum's. DIE RED!" Starts firing like others.... Stele shot first again, I wonder how he always manages to hit them at this distance (must be the FORCE).... Yeah right, now splitting formation and divide up into two man teams...all like in training...but where comes this Noise from.... PEEP...PEEP...PEEP...PEEP...NO! It is a major alarm just before everything is gonna explode.... AAAAAHHHH I am gonna die AAAAHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
...PEEP.... PEEP.... PEEP...
What is going on here? Am I still alive? Did the FORCE save me?
.... PEEP...PEEP...PEEP....
UUUhhhh...I hate this Imperial alarm clock. Ssss Jesus...I thought I was gonna to die...damned what sort of dream was that? I hope it was not one of this kind of prophetic stuff so many Pilots had just before they....
No, I think it was not one of these kinds of dreams anyway. Or maybe..."NO! Manfred! Pull your self together...remembers what the frigate psychologist said to you last time: Well RED...if you will go on drinking every night until drunk.... These non-prophetic dreams might yet become true soon. So stop drinking that much, ok. I know it is hard for the new Pilots in the war...especially since the Rebels became that strong.... Last week they had more shot downs than we had.... However, it is always hard for the newbies. Some of them die because of their inexperienced behaviour out there, some because of their inexperienced behaviour on the Pollo Diablo.... I hope you will not fit in the second group.... Neither the first of course :-)
So here is my order: Reduce your drinking to a minimum, get as much sleep as you're able to and have some training in the Antigravity simulator...I heard you still got problems with this factor out there. Bye now...and follow my orders!"
I take a shower and get dressed... than I go to the cantina for breakfast.
Entering the hall, I take a few seconds looking around to see who is awake already. Hey, there he is.... I would have a bet on that.
Morning Rookie! What did the doctor say this time?" I asked him...(poor Rookie he really wants to fly out there, but each week the doctor is setting him on mechs again)..."Well, what should he have said? Sorry Chief Pilot, but it is another week for you. To hell with the doctor! I want to fly! NOW! Not when the war is over and we have crushed these stinking rebels!" I love him most when he behaves like this.... And he does it most of the time.
Btw Rookie..."I looked over my shoulder if anybody has come in, then I looked at his face again and I started to whisper: "I caught Fluffy yesterday, right in front of Stele's Quarters! How did she break out when you were on nightshift? You must check your air conditioning shaft. Somehow she got out and you know what happens if Stele or Shadow catch her. Perhaps you should organise some of the cybermice they sell on AEP-329. Fluffy then might stay in playing with them, but it is not a solution for long. You really have to do something about this situation, before Shadow Warrior gives Yellow Alert and let the whole crew search for this cat. Please Chief, you should really think about this thing."
Ok Rich ok, I promise to find a way out of this, but I do not ever will give up Fluffy. Never!" I am involved in this conspiracy since I once noticed this long hair stream on the table, before the cleaning robot got rid of it. I hope this will not turn out bad in the end, I really do.
Where is Chris? Isn't he awake?" I asked. Sure he is" Rookie answered he just left a few minutes before you came. He finished breakfast already before I came in. I just met him on his way back from the toilette. You know I go to the toilette each time before having breakfast and he afterwards.... I think we all have our rituals."
Rookie has become one of my best Friends on the Pollo Diablo during the last weeks. To Senior Pilot Chris_007 have I only talked a small number of times, but I think he is not that strange like the others... For example, CP GPZ-1 or CP Falcon0 said...he just got this strange sleep disturbance and so he wanders around at times all the others are asleep. I found it more interesting where our latest newbies have been the whole time since they were assigned to Phoenix, this PL Saufen (who's name really reminds me of something) and PL Defiant. Perhaps they got something to do with PL Count Zero who nearly totally disappeared too. At least I do not know where they are, but that does not mean they are MIA. What does a little Pilot like me know about these undercover things? I asked the Flight Leaders about that, but even they do not know. Strange...because they are well informed about many things as far as I know. However, the list of strange stories the Enlistees tell about these three FL's (Ensign Desmoquattro, LtJ FlameStrike and my own FL LtJ Nunoteixeira) are quite long too. If I would be still on earth, I would compare Nuno's accent to a Spanish or Portuguese person, but I am not on earth anymore so.... I really wonder where it comes from. Perhaps I will find out some day.
Nevertheless, I really should concentrate my self on my own personal stuff and do not always care for other's. I mean there are even more Pilots from whom I really do not know much, such as CP EvilDewd, PL ORB 1, and PL Damage.
And now to make the list complete there are three left: PL Oppressor, who seems quite digressed sometimes, CP Zekk who got this database problems (every time they try to fix his Flight register, but it seems like there sits a ghost in it), and at the end we have Flight Officer Mavaric. He is the highest enlisted pilot in Phoenix and since they started to build up the new Falcon Squadron we all fear of losing him to one of the new FL Positions there. No other Enlistee knows so much about Phoenix and it would be a shame to loose him to Falcon Squadron. I really hope he stays.
Yep, I think Phoenix Squad is quite good and I am proud to be part of it.
I hope together we will make the war turn out like the Emperor would like it to, although things seem to turn out every time exactly like he has expected.
I think Wing-Commander Nr50 has learned a lot from the Emperor because he also starts to see things before they appear. I suppose the FORCE is really with him.
I have a look on the service plan now...oh good, still much time left until duty begins.
I salute Rookie and start making the way back to my quarter.... Here I lay myself down on the bed and try to fall asleep...try to fall asleep...sleeping...Dreaming of being an Adam60 again!
To Be Continued
Author: CP Richthofen
Editor: SF Mavaric
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