Imperial Seal Tie Fighter AllianceEuro Wing

Welcome to
Rear Admiral Rear Admiral Rear Admiral
Rookie's Quarters
Euro Wing
Wing Commander XO

Imperial Seal

The formal stuff     The informal stuff

My showcase:

TFA vs TRA War June 1999 WoW XII WoW XIII DJO vs Zone August 1999 WoW XIV
Non-Melee War I September 1999 DJO Squad War September 1999 WoW XV Clone Wars October 1999 WoW XVI
WoW XVII WoW XVII 10 sorties for Phoenix Non-Melee War II WoW XX WoW XX 15 sorties for Phoenix
WoW XXI WoW XXI - Phoenix Excellence WoW XXIII

30 days of service 90 days of service 180 days of service 1 year of service
Dedicated De'Bugger Meritorious Intelligence Service Senior Intelligence Officer
1 year of Intelligence Service DJO Staff Service

Jedi 3rd Degree

DJO Medal of Honour: Sustained Superior Service and Devotion to Membership OF DJO !!
DJO Silver Star: Superior Service and Dedication to DJO and its membership.
3rd order of the CoS: Outstanding service to the club and design, construction and maintenance of the DJO site!

Rear Admiral Rookie
Wing Commander XO
Euro Wing
Tie Fighter Alliance

Judge Advocate General
Director of Intelligence
Assistant Director of Engineering
DarkJedi Organisation

ICQ: 28242958
Serving the Emperor's Wishes