
"El Pollo Diablo"


ICE_TIGER_THE_BROKE , Tue Sep 18 9:49:54 2001
hehe its been a whil since i posted on here, just to say hey mr twixy

Raider the Dozy , Fri Aug 24 13:26:20 2001
Three year anniversary of this message board. And this is the first tiem I have seen it. I am so dozy!

Drice , Wed May 23 11:54:30 2001
how are you all doing Long time not seen

Fjap the tearfull , Thu Apr 19 4:05:30 2001
*Sob, sob* You dont know how much I missed this place. I want six Duvels all the time on my table, ya hear??

Ginyard_T_R , Wed Apr 18 2:24:23 2001
Wow, anyone remember me? Geez, its been a while hasnt it...Just looking round the place, brings a lot of memories back fellas...

Damage , Sun Apr 8 19:10:16 2001
Ahhh, I almost forgot the smell of the duvels spilled on the tables and on the ground. The smoke so dense in the air... ahh i fell at home ^_^

Happy Drice , Tue Jan 16 21:47:18 2001
Weeee kinda boring inhere. Wow it has been quite a while since I last posted here

Energizer Bunny , Sat Nov 11 14:04:40 2000
Its oh so quiet... There's nobody about... OK, that's it, this place is officially MINE!! You've all got to pay rent now. *Goes and takes 5 Duvels from each Phoenixian's cupboard...* That will do, for this month!

Suprise , Sat Nov 4 14:39:28 2000
Does nobody post here anymore? Awwww. Thats no fun. Ah well, I guess I will just have to move in. *Goes to get suitcases and boxes...* ;p

DrBecks , Tue Oct 24 12:56:56 2000
What shall we do with a drunken pilot. What shall we do with a drunken pilot. What shall we do with a drunken pilot early in the morning...

Dricey , Sat Sep 30 22:08:28 2000
Woohoo Dammie is back...ok where did Steeler hide that extra booze she was telling me about..hmmm maybe here behind those secrect doors...hmm yes I see something.

Happier , Sun Aug 27 21:52:01 2000
Aaarghh!! I'm in a meeting, trying to keep all those noisy pilots quiet!! Especially that Fjap ;)

Fjappie , Sun Aug 6 21:47:19 2000
I need a drink!! Im in a meeting and LtC Happy is just droning on.....ARRRGHH:)

Tobi , Thu Aug 3 9:09:54 2000
All yours? Give me a bit and I wont say anything to anybody :)

Happy , Sat Jul 22 1:10:21 2000
Hmm, nobody comes here anymore.... Hehehehe. *Gets the pink paint out* Muahaha!! Once this room is painted pink, nobody will come in here, its mine now, all mine!! Yaaaaaay!

Fjappie , Fri Jun 23 4:45:31 2000
*I'm singing in the rain. I'm singing in the rain. What a glorious feeling, I'm happy again. I'm singing in the rain*

Ginyard_T_R , Thu Jun 22 0:07:08 2000
Wow this thing is amazing, shows me what life was like here before me, bah as if one could exist :)

Flying Hollander , Fri Jun 2 1:24:43 2000
Yes..I love cable:))) but it is only for one day:((

El Pollo Diablo!! Muahaha , Fri May 5 20:05:23 2000
Who be playing poker on my frigate? I'll make ye walk the plank if I catch ye again!

DrBecks , Thu Apr 27 16:54:10 2000
so, here are you guys. Does that now mean our Pokergame will be here?

DrBecks , Thu Apr 27 16:53:44 2000
so, here are you guys. Does that now mean our Pokergame will be here?

Damage , Sun Apr 16 19:48:09 2000
*Thud* UUrghhh mt head! Those damned edges!

LtC Drice , Fri Apr 14 21:18:13 2000
lalalalala tralala..*Thud* ..ouch damnit stupid chairs...lalalalala*smakc* ouch argghh

LtC_Damage , Tue Apr 11 9:09:57 2000
I fallen again into the bottomless pit... this root beer is wonderful! ^_^ *publicity for our cantina*

Lucid Damage , Sun Apr 2 18:06:00 2000
liver no more needed. just started the 2nd week without a drop of alchool. i dunno if to be happy or sad...i know only that i would kill for a beer! (i think the bartender here starts to hate me...)

Friendly Fjap , Fri Mar 31 2:23:53 2000
Liver trouble again??? But don't worry, I got a cunning plan....I'll drink for both of us ok??? BAR-DROID!!!Hit me with that pink stuff

DrBecks , Fri Mar 24 1:37:00 2000
...and dust is soooo dry. Bartender beer!!!! we have to keep everything good oiled

Ltn_Damage , Thu Mar 23 4:45:53 2000
eheh.. Usually the only thing that remain of the rebels after any WoW is only space dust.

Ltn Drice , Tue Mar 21 23:55:48 2000
Maybe you can steal one from a dead rebel:)

Damage , Mon Mar 20 0:43:52 2000
urgh... my liver is dead again... anyone has a new one to sell me?

Drice , Wed Mar 15 19:01:53 2000
Ah doesn't matter ..I have my own supllie of illegal booze in my quarters..erm I mean in erm Steelers quarters:)

Drice , Wed Mar 15 19:01:30 2000
Ah doesn't matter ..I have my own supllie of illegal booze in my quarters..erm I mean in erm Steelers quarters:)

The Pink thing..... , Wed Mar 1 23:07:21 2000
Haha now I have you all.... From now on there will be only Pink-o-lada served here.... I have sliced into the serving droid and thats all you get from him MUAHAHAHAH

DamageTheDrunk , Thu Feb 10 19:57:18 2000
Ahhh... thx unknown one! I'll offer the next! =) *hic*

A stranger...... , Sat Feb 5 0:58:35 2000
Bartender!!!!! A very big drink for Damage, he deserves it......

DrBecks , Tue Feb 1 0:22:24 2000
Bartender!!! How often should i tell u what beer i want??? ok, then give me one of that Duvels

Ltn_Damage , Fri Jan 14 0:43:45 2000
It's 00.30 of thursday and I want offer a BIG glass of italian (good) wine to all the pilots that reported in time! In particular to O'Drick, Katarn and Cyber_Entity!

Fluffy, Spawn of satan , Sat Dec 25 16:40:45 1999

DrBecks , Thu Dec 23 11:55:54 1999
HOHOHO!!! Last chance to get drunken in here in the old Year!!!! Bartender!!! Free Drinks for all

CP Fjap , Sat Dec 11 3:27:05 1999
ARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!! Its been far too long since I've come in here....I've forgotten how to drink....*sob sob*

DrBecks , Sun Dec 5 20:05:39 1999
If u want to. No problem Taloo:)

Taloo , Sun Dec 5 11:30:56 1999
kick my butt :)!!

PotRacer , Wed Dec 1 21:30:56 1999
I drink now a very cold Jack Daniels :) Prost!

DrBecks , Mon Nov 29 2:34:27 1999
Great flying all this war. And it looks like we gonna break the record n drinking too, this time

Amber , Sat Nov 27 17:26:02 1999
War is over... now I'm bored :(

DrBecks , Fri Nov 26 10:23:35 1999
War is over!!!!!!!!!!!! Bartender a duvel for me!!!!

RAd_Shadow Warrior , Mon Nov 22 18:00:48 1999
*S* Dang I miss getting Drunk in here... If ya look down at bottom its me as a LtJ and XO/SL of the ship.SW kicks up his feet and has another Imperial Brewski on Rookies account

TFA_DrBecks , Tue Nov 16 8:29:11 1999
Yeah, welcome on board Pot_Racer. Bartender, aduvel for me please. Those guy will pay:))

PotRacer , Tue Nov 16 1:16:07 1999
Hi all, i am the new pilot and i hope we have much fun here. :)

Desmo :-) , Mon Nov 8 9:48:46 1999
Ok guys, its far too quiet in here lately!! LETS GET SMASHED!!!!! Drinks are on Rookie's Sith Express account!So help yourself to a crate or two

TFA_DrBecks , Wed Nov 3 10:51:41 1999
what do mean with:" i`ve to pay for those drinks too" i never ordered them.

SP O´Drick , Wed Nov 3 2:56:42 1999
Bartender, give me a little nightcap befor I go to bed. What are you doing? Ok, now when I said "a little" I didn´t really mean it... Ahh, that´s more like it. Btw that guy who´s sleeping on the table will pay for the drink ;)

TFA_DrBecks , Tue Nov 2 8:16:28 1999
upps, looks like my FL. Bartender!!! orangejuice, please.

LtC Steeler , Tue Nov 2 2:23:37 1999
Wodka , are you sure ? A duvel for me again .

TFA_DrBecks , Mon Nov 1 23:21:15 1999
hey, bartender. maybe wodka???

TFA_DrBecks , Mon Nov 1 23:17:10 1999
Damn, why is it so hard to get a Becks in here. They export it in the whole galaxy and i am at the only place without it!!!!

Ltn_Damage , Mon Nov 1 6:33:49 1999
hmm... i need some money, maybe i could ask to the bartender if he needs some help... but this cantina seems so empty lately...

Ltn_Damage , Tue Oct 26 4:51:57 1999
Damn! Duvel as it rain!!! i have to celebrate those promos! dang we are the best!!! and we are growing up! for PHOENIX hip hip..

LtC Steeler , Sat Oct 23 9:59:29 1999
Hey Bartender , here is one of the stolen Duvels . But dont say it to Rookie that he drink and pay for his own ones . hehe

NCp Rookie , Sat Oct 23 9:52:35 1999
What!!! No Duvels anymore? Bartender I warned you, if I come in here I want a Duvel and I don't care where you get them and what you pay for them but I want one now, and put it on Flamey's paytab. Wait, even better, just order a whole freighter now we're at it. And next time I notice something like that you are out of a job!!!!

LtC Steeler , Sat Oct 23 9:39:50 1999
Thanks O´Drick . I take a few then we both have enough . :)

CP O´Drick , Fri Oct 22 18:44:27 1999
Psst, I´ll distract Rookie so you can get a couple of Duvels from his private stash...

LtC Steeler , Fri Oct 22 11:38:39 1999
WOW is over and the Duvels are out ... damn .

WC Flamey , Tue Oct 19 1:05:55 1999
Hehe Didn't you know? Man I never even thought Nr50 was a CP=) Well Piett as customary for first time visitors, the first round is on you. You hear that Phoenix? Piett will buy you all an expensive drink =) Cheers Phoenix and Piett..

Cma Piett , Sun Oct 17 16:07:24 1999
It's been here all along and nobody ever told me! Wow, this thing is like a Phoenix timeline :) It's got PL Piett on it hee hee yay!

CMa Rookie , Tue Oct 5 8:11:58 1999
Damage, you always seem to be drunk, I wonder how you manage to fly straight with your TI :) An orange juice for me, it's still early in the morning :)

LtJ_Damage , Sun Oct 3 13:01:50 1999
Well... i'm already drunk... but how could i refuse a drink? Thx Fjap! ALLA SALUTE!

CP Fjap , Sat Oct 2 13:05:14 1999
Well well.. Bartender gimmie something that will knock me senseless...and be sure to keep the glass of my good friend Damage full...Cheers allesammen:)

Chris_007 , Thu Sep 30 6:13:39 1999
Hmmmm yeah. Damned Euros :) he he Oh well I miss Phoenix....

CP Fjap , Thu Sep 30 0:43:59 1999
Lonely sir???? Well let's just see what we can do about that:) *Starts drinking heavily wich ends up in swingin in the chandelier singing "There is a house on Tatooine" in his own nasal version*

PL_Katarn , Sat Sep 25 22:43:33 1999
Common, Bartender, give me the really hard stuff! I need it in the moment.

CMa Rookie , Wed Sep 22 8:59:54 1999
Geez, this place is lonely lately. Get some folks in here bartender or I'll have to sack you. :)

CMa Rookie , Mon Sep 20 17:12:39 1999
Hmm, after a hard days work, I'm in for a drink. Bartender, a Duvel please, Ice Cold :)

CP Fjap , Mon Sep 13 16:56:21 1999
Well Im gonna drink myself into oblivion. My computer is in a state of comatose and the modem is as healthy as a 4000 year old mummy with a hangover. *sob sob*

PR_Chris_007 , Thu Sep 9 13:42:26 1999
Been a while since I ahve been here, good to see you are all still having fun! =)

Navy Captain FlameStrike , Sun Aug 29 9:20:25 1999
Well the Victory party seems to be in full swing here. *Ducks in time to avoid a flying man* CRASH!!! Well life back to normal then I see. Well since Rookies buying, I take a few crates with me.. :) Well done in the WOW 14 lady and gents =)

Ltn Steeler , Fri Aug 27 14:01:29 1999
The next duvel is for me , hm ecact the right thing before I jump into my Tie Advanced . hehehe I hope I dont crash into the frigatte . Cheers !!!

LtC Rookie , Fri Aug 27 13:57:28 1999
Ok bartender, we had a whole cargo of Duvel delivered here today. Today all Duvels ordered here are on my tab. Let's start with one for me. Ice cold as always. On Phoenix, the mightiest and best squad around!!! Cheers!!

LtC Desmoquattro, XO, Phoenix Squadron. , Fri Aug 27 11:33:09 1999
So, where is Rookie hiding??? Hey, c'mon boss, its your round!! he he

LtJ_Damage , Tue Aug 24 0:28:56 1999
Damn... Duvels are finished!

LtC Rookie , Mon Aug 23 22:33:28 1999
Ok Fjap you're right, enjoy it but stay away from the Duvels. They can do really tricky things with your mind. And bartender, for me an ice cold Duvel, as usual. Cheers.

CP Fjap , Sun Aug 22 20:53:52 1999
Hurray it looks like I've finished my punishment...hmm lets see...I was banned on the 6th and now there is the 21st...thats 15 days......whohooooo. HEY BARTENDER.......*gulp gulp*

FO_Damage , Mon Aug 16 23:31:41 1999
Whoa! all on Steeler's bill? Hey Bartender... i think that this night you'll return home very happy!

Ltn Steeler , Mon Aug 16 17:35:21 1999
Hey , barman ! A drink for Damage who´s back from vacation . All he drinks tonight on my bill .

PL O´Drick , Mon Aug 16 14:40:07 1999
Thanks Fjap, but this round´s on me! Hey, bartender keep those glases full, and none of that cheap stuff! Cheers everyone!

CP Fjap , Sun Aug 15 18:43:21 1999
Sir.... please..... I just wantet to buy the new pilot a know show him the ropes...(the bar) getting to know others(the bartender) and stuff......

Lt Commander Rookie , Fri Aug 6 8:40:08 1999
Bartender, look what I brought here. Yes this is CP Fjap. No alcoholic drinks for this pilot in the next two coming weeks. Only orange juice. And if I catch him with some other drink you'll be sweaping floors for the rest of your career. Understood!!! OK!!! A Duvel for me and an orange juice for this little devil here :-)

FO_Damage (again) , Wed Jul 28 22:56:56 1999
oh yeah! Bartender? I've forgot a thing... double portion to my friend Fjap here! =)

FO_Damage!!!! , Wed Jul 28 22:53:56 1999
Ahhh! I suppose that i have to offer some booze due my 6 month ribbon.. ok! Bartender! next turn is on my bill! (err... Desmo? what about that liver?...)

NCp FlameStrike , Wed Jul 28 19:59:00 1999
My word! this bar seems to be prospering :). "Bartender! Drinks for everyone! And a OJ for myself.. Now where is my Fluffy..

Lieutenant Rookie , Wed Jul 28 13:38:46 1999
Have one on me too Damage ... and I lifted the booze prohibition after WoW 13, so enjoy as long as you can. :) You're not blacklisted anymore Fjap. Cheers. A good Ice Cold Duvel Bartender. It's so hot in here. :)

CP Fjap , Wed Jul 28 13:13:09 1999
Hmm there is a prob though... Rookie blacklistet me here.... I suppose I could hotwire this thing....aha here you go Damage.. Cheers buddy keep up the good work..

FO_Damage , Sat Jul 24 0:12:15 1999
Whoa... i'm alive thx Desmo... i'll send ya a liver when i'll have one more..

Desmo ;-) , Fri Jul 23 23:29:56 1999
Donations gratefully recieved, lets all club together and buy Damage a new liver!

CP Fjap , Fri Jul 23 20:26:55 1999
Bartender, a orange juice for me if you please.... Why are you all looking at me?? OK OK A beer then.. To Ltn Richthoefen, a tired war hero *S* sir

FO_Damage , Fri Jul 23 18:08:06 1999
Where is my liver??? Ah... there! How are you my poor liver? "Jim.. he's dead" (Henry "bones" McCoy)

Lieutenant Rookie , Fri Jul 23 16:05:53 1999
Ok bartender, drinks are for free for all, also the alcoholic ones. Let's party. A Duvel for me, ice cold as usual!!!

Lieutenant Rookie , Thu Jul 22 10:50:58 1999
Bartender, drinks with alcohol in them are from now on only allowed for officers . If I capture you giving out something else than apple juice or orange juice to any of the pilots you'll be demoted to deck cleaner. Understood!!!!! A Duvel for me then. Cheers Damage and Fjap. hehe I have the power!!!!

CP Fjap , Thu Jul 22 0:45:28 1999
Ohhhh my head.......

CP Fjap , Tue Jul 20 23:44:40 1999
He he... Well its tim fer thwe schwinging...I meen se thwinging...oh bugger.. Bartman!!..oh bugger it all... Im off to bed....

FO_Damage , Tue Jul 20 3:52:05 1999
... hmm... maybe that means that i drink for the glory of the emperor?... well... this one is for our Emperor and for his right hand (and my only God) D.V.! ...over...

FO_Damage , Tue Jul 20 3:48:16 1999
well... remember that sir: 1. when i'm drunk i see 2 rebs craft, so i have 50% probability to hit the right one. 2. when i'm sober i alwais hit the wrong one... ... over...

Ltn Rookie , Mon Jul 19 16:08:29 1999
Fjap and Damage!!! What's this, you're starting to become alcoholics!!! Okay, I will neglect it for this time, I'm in a good mood, but try to do something against it. And in the mean time, a good cold Duvel for me bartender. :) Good to be back.

FO_Damage , Fri Jul 16 12:02:51 1999
ahhhh! finally a guy that knows the pleasure of life (... well... A pleasure of life eh eh...) Nice to see ya here pal! We'll drink and sing until morning!

CP Fjap , Thu Jul 15 22:29:09 1999
Hey Damage I can help you no problem. Hey bartender! know the blue thingie for my friend here, and keep them coming. Did that help?

FO_Damage , Thu Jul 15 12:53:46 1999
Come on someone helps me! Take a look on coomlink! i'm working for ya! Hey barman! another glass!

FO_Damage , Tue Jul 13 1:22:14 1999
So, it seems we have a new guy on the cantina! Maybe a french pilot? Wellcome! Hey barman! a beer for my friend here!

FO_Coeurnoir (News Scout) , Sun Jul 11 3:52:02 1999
Hi! Just touring the Frigate to get some stuff for the News Letter. I wanted to say you have a neat place here. You did a pretty nice job. Cya later!

FO_Damage , Tue Jul 6 4:02:35 1999
AH! another great night here in Bologna! Girls, Beers 'n Rock 'n roll! Damn... i love this place! =)

Ltn Kurtje , Sun Jul 4 22:43:01 1999
you guys (and gal) drink tooo much you see us officers doing that ? didn't think so *starts vomiting*

CP Fjap , Sun Jul 4 19:20:21 1999
Hmm this is my first time in here. Uhh where is the beer? Oh there it is. Hurray I thought there was 'no drinking' rule on this frigate. CHEERS *gulp slobber burp*

Desmo ;-) , Sun Jul 4 14:23:27 1999
Cheers Damage! no thanks for that Guinness eek!

FO_Damage , Sun Jul 4 5:37:33 1999
Ah Ah!!! a great "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to our comrade in arms! Hail desmo! this Guinnes is for ya!! =)

SP_Damage , Wed Jun 30 6:52:36 1999
Whookie??? where where??? ahhhh!!! there! a Desmowookie!!! damn! please anyone help me!!!!! ***bzzzzzz***

SP_Steeler , Wed Jun 30 6:49:25 1999
Wookie invasion , wookie invasion , red alert , red alert , I see four Desmos here ... Damage is really full SP instead of FO ... hic

SP_Damage , Wed Jun 30 6:45:45 1999
Ahr Ahr!!! eh eh eh *urp* nice to see you all! *hic* Damned my headache... eh eh good drink all! ( damned steeler...)...

SP_Steeler , Wed Jun 30 6:42:49 1999
Hic ..... wherrrreeeee issss myyyy beeeeerrrrrrr , Dessmmmmmmmoooooooo ..... yoouuuuiii haaavvvvvveeeee itttt . Hic .

Ltn Desmoquattro, Flight Leader, Flight Group 1. , Mon Jun 28 23:53:31 1999
Steeler!! jeez, you drink so much! Congrats on your promo pal, well deserved, but dont celebrate so heavily next time :-) he he

Lieutenant Rookie , Fri Jun 25 20:33:12 1999
Well done all in this WoW. Guess what I just found Stele's credit card. All drinks are on his account, the whole weekend long and as much as you want. Cheers!!! *hic*

CP_Steeler , Fri Jun 25 19:57:54 1999
The war is over now , I´m free from duty . Where are my drinks ?

Desmo ;-) , Thu Jun 24 13:51:31 1999
err, booze powibit umm, boose pworibit ahhm, boots ploribit hmm, Banned from drinking? me? aww, c'mon. Remember, chapter 4!! he he have a great holiday

Desmo ;-) , Thu Jun 24 13:46:13 1999
errr, booze prosibit err, prodib err, prolibit err. Banned from boozin'? me? nah, you dont wanna do that - remember - chapter 4!

CMa FlameStrike , Wed Jun 23 23:58:07 1999
*S* Heya all :) This place smells like a pub! Whats been going on during Stele's absence? hehe Rookie Do you still have the drinks cabnet keys? Better check the booze stores :) hehe

Lieutenant Rookie , Wed Jun 23 20:26:19 1999
Desmo, you are on a booze prohibition for a whole week now. This has to stop, or otherwise ... voodoo doll. hehe :)

Desmo ;-) , Wed Jun 23 16:44:18 1999

SP_Damage , Mon Jun 21 4:19:51 1999
This drink goes to our lady! What hell of a fighter! GONGRATULATION Steeler! Hip Hip...

Lieutenant Rookie , Fri Jun 18 15:52:38 1999
I wish you all a very successful WoW. May the force be with us and may those rebels learn to stay away forever now. Cheers.

SP_Damage , Tue Jun 15 12:12:10 1999
ah ah! you're damned right sir! this one is for you! *hic*

Ltn Rookie , Tue Jun 15 11:46:58 1999
I'll have a drink on you too Damage, some nice sweet Italian wine. Very good :)

SP_Damage , Tue Jun 15 3:28:21 1999
aaahhh! finally an officer that can appreciate the pleasure of life! this glass is for ya sir!

CMa Stele , Fri Jun 11 6:31:54 1999
I am allways on a good drink ,with you, Damage :)

SP_Damage , Fri Jun 11 3:20:00 1999
uh? nobody on that cantina? come comrades! join me for a good glass of wine!!

SP_Damage , Fri Jun 4 17:09:54 1999
Come on comrades! A little glass of wine to start this War on the better way! Din don dan! *Gulp* (wow)

CMa Flamestrike , Fri May 28 0:48:32 1999
*§* Now how did I ever manage to find myself here? hehe. Its great to see ppls still using this comboard. Geez it sure does bring back memories! Take care... my friends (:c- )

SP_Damage , Wed May 26 4:11:27 1999
*tin tin tin tin* Only a moment ladies and gentlemen. I'd like to drink to our great fighter (and my leader) Chris007! May his craft fly for more 'n more... Salute sir! *gulp*

LtJ Rookie , Mon May 24 20:56:23 1999
It's my birthday today, so drinks are on me tonight and I'll have my traditional Duvel. Thanks waiter:) And Steeler not as drunk as yesterday please hehe:)

LtC_Chris_007 , Fri May 21 12:42:41 1999
Look at this thats all you euro guys do. Drink Drink Drink. =) mayeb thats why ya dont fly staright =). He he

LtJ Rookie , Fri May 21 12:08:31 1999
WoW XI is over. Well done Phoenix and big congrats to Falcon and Eagle. I think we all deserve a drink. A Duvel for me waiter....

LtJ Rookie , Mon May 10 8:40:31 1999
Geez, it's quite in here. Good to notice though that Steeler found her way to our cantina already. A drink on me Steeler :)

TFA_Steeler , Sun May 9 19:47:04 1999
I´m the new one . I`m very proud to be a member of the phoenix Squad .

NCp Shadow Warrior , Sat May 1 13:04:12 1999
*S* Nice looking FRG! well done Pheonix , but nothin beats my Imp Star destroyer :) Good work

LtJ Richthofen , Wed Apr 28 20:39:30 1999
Wow I am a FL now! All drinks on me for the rest of the evening! Drink until the doctor comes!

FO Kurtje , Tue Apr 27 22:15:17 1999
*S* let's all get drunk... can't think of a better way to spend this evening.... *burp*

LtC_Chris_007 , Tue Apr 27 7:42:43 1999
Still the same rookie huh. So whats that funny smell that is now hanging around you =).

LtJ Rookie , Mon Apr 26 10:34:36 1999
All drinks on me tonight. Just to show you guys that your new XO is still the same old Rookie:) Cheers!

CP Richthofen , Sat Apr 24 15:01:42 1999
I love to be part of thr greatest TFA Sqaud ever existed!!! At least the one with greatest Teamspirit!!! (c:

Ltn_Chris_007 , Sat Apr 24 12:58:43 1999
*S* well its a pub so time for a joke or two. Ok so this guy walked into a bar, and he said ouch that hurt =) ha ha ha ha ha aha ha ah. Funny eh well maybe not back to the drawing board i guess =).

PL_Voodoo , Fri Apr 23 18:47:02 1999
I love this place Rookie. I will stope here now often to haf a drink with my comrades

Lieutenant Flamestrike , Fri Apr 23 17:40:12 1999
*S* Holy Mary!!! This is great!!! Damn! Rookie, You never fail to amaze me friend. This looks fantastic!! Whats to become of the Hanger though? =)

LtJ Desmoquattro , Fri Apr 23 8:43:44 1999
Great work Rookie, what would we do without you.

Ltn_Chris_007 , Fri Apr 23 7:27:47 1999
*S* Good work rookie. I like the logo I hope Phoenix puts this comlink to use as well =). See Ya "mates" he eh =) *S*

SP Rookie , Thu Apr 22 13:39:23 1999
Our message board has a new look. I like it, of course I created it:) Thnx Nr50!

Lieutenant Flamestrike , Tue Apr 20 19:06:56 1999
*S* I will only say this once. Will the person responable for making crude comments on this board, please reframe from doing so... This is the First and final warning. We will find out who if this continues. So you have been warned...

LtJ Desmoquattro , Tue Apr 20 13:01:11 1999
Hey, this is nice, never been here before. Smells like Rookie's cat has though . Make mine a BOTTLED beer bartender.

Fluffy, Spawn Of Satan , Mon Apr 19 8:50:26 1999
You should see what I did to Rookie's computer, ha ha ha ha

LtC Stele , Sun Apr 18 13:14:27 1999
Okay, enough of this! Stop abusing this messageboard! Now!

Fluffy, Spawn Of Satan , Sat Apr 17 21:44:38 1999
And you don't wanna know what I did in the food ;-)

Fluffy, Spawn Of Satan , Sat Apr 17 21:37:25 1999
Mu ha ha ha ha, I have already urinated in your drinking water supplies

LtC Stele , Sat Apr 17 21:33:00 1999
Security CAN'T make any mistakes, this is this is just a late april fool...don't panic all..

CMa Shadow Warrior , Sat Apr 17 21:28:58 1999
Thought you could hide in the Cantina eh? your dead meat Pussy cat!

Fluffy, Spawn Of Satan , Fri Apr 16 23:14:41 1999
Mu ha ha ha ha ha, I'm not dead, I will return to feast on your disgusting corpses soon

LtC Mavaric , Thu Apr 15 23:53:54 1999
*S* Hiya all Well this is a reminder that I was once a Lieutenant Commander hehe cya

Ltn Flamestrike , Thu Apr 15 16:05:12 1999
*S* Great!! At last a fully funtional and operational Frigate. hehe Well done Rookie!!

CP Richthofen , Sat Apr 10 14:47:23 1999
All are invited to my tea party at 5.00 pm CET on sundays :)

SP Rookie , Thu Apr 8 22:50:28 1999
Thanks Kurtje, I must say, the Filliers Appeljenever tastes great.

NCp Nr50 , Thu Apr 8 22:48:21 1999

Ltn Kurtje , Mon Mar 29 21:45:39 1999
drinks on me due to promotion (pst barkeeper, put it on Mav's tab will ya, thats my boy)

CP Rookie , Fri Mar 26 13:19:25 1999
Phew, this is great, a Duvel after all that controversy lately. Pity I'm alone her though! :)

SP Kurtje , Tue Mar 16 21:37:00 1999
not much drinking going here these days... don't people use the cantina anymore...btw drinking contest here tomorrow hehe, i'm gonna win

SP_Chris_007 , Sun Mar 7 7:32:59 1999
Yep its working unless I am seeing things. =)

NCp Nr50 , Mon Mar 1 20:52:14 1999
*S* Is this still working?

CMa Nr50 , Thu Jan 14 13:37:58 1999
Testing 123

Ltn Shadow Warrior , Tue Jan 5 16:39:45 1999
*S* Never fear Piett! the frigate is currntly being updated, I am now doing the majority of the frigate work,and i thank Nr50 for the helphe has given me.

Ltn Shadow Warrior , Mon Jan 4 15:24:33 1999
*S* sorry Piett these Cigars are reserved for SLs and above :)

LtJ Piett , Sat Jan 2 17:57:05 1999
Wow, the good old Phoenix Squad comlink!! Hee hee, I'll have one of those cigars too SW. By the way Nr, I think the frigate needs a bit of an update now you're hobnobbing with the command staff :)

CMa Nr50 , Fri Jan 1 23:11:48 1999
*S* A very happy new year to all of Phoenix and Eagle! (I'm posting here because I'm not at home and I don't have my comlink password here).

LtJ Shadow Warrior , Wed Dec 16 9:30:16 1998
*S* *hands Nr50 one of his finest Imperial Cigars from his extensive collection* Excellent work on the Frigate, have a cigar on me. ;)

LTJ nunoteixeira , Tue Dec 15 23:26:41 1998
i think this is very cool and the bar this night is in my acount i offer all a drink to my friend KHMER , he as danne a great job. burb burb burb , hehehe now all are dismissed to play with my sisters , ;) hehehe

PL Kurtje , Tue Dec 15 20:40:14 1998
Nice cantina, now on to tasting local beer .... *burp* not bad *burp*

Ltn The_Jester , Tue Dec 15 19:37:44 1998
Madre de dios!Es El Pollo Diablo! :-)

LtJ Shadow Warrior , Mon Dec 14 17:13:28 1998
*S* Nice Cantina :)

Ltn Nr50 , Mon Dec 14 14:10:15 1998
*S* It's back!

LtJ Shadow Warrior , Mon Nov 9 9:15:54 1998
*S* Im back guys! my ISP has prevented me from getting online for 2 weeks! all my FG should have an email from me *S*

Gelete , Thu Oct 22 15:33:38 1998
*S* to my new friends.

CP Piett , Wed Oct 21 20:27:37 1998
No I am not!....unless of course you feel that a promo is due..... :)

LtJ Nr50 , Wed Oct 21 17:08:08 1998
Hehe, your not just saying that to get promoted now are you? =0)

CP Piett , Tue Oct 20 20:08:45 1998
Oops, shouldn't have said that :)

CP Piett , Tue Oct 20 20:07:57 1998
No, don't remove it, it's better!

LtJ Nr50 , Tue Oct 20 10:28:03 1998
*S* as long as that page is not working the way it should I will maintain this page...When it it fully operational I will remove it.

CP Piett , Mon Oct 19 20:33:58 1998
*S* Yeah, Hi Stele, sorry guys, I forgot that this page still existed with the new "official" squad pages now up. :)

SP Shadow Warrior , Sat Oct 17 13:14:16 1998
The war RAGES on!! lets show them what Phoenix is made of!

SP Shadow Warrior , Fri Oct 16 22:37:20 1998
*S* welcome to Pheonix Stele!!!

SP Shadow Warrior , Mon Oct 12 8:29:53 1998
You will be missed 8...(

Henrik Winroth aka Shadow Doc , Sun Oct 11 14:49:20 1998
Hi guys, I just wanted to say that I couldn't have had any better FG than u have been. I allready miss u, but I know I cant keep up... hope to hear from ya anyways...

SP Shadow Warrior , Sun Oct 11 13:42:06 1998
*S* Tis the end of an ERA!

LtJ Nr50 , Sun Oct 11 11:55:44 1998
*S* did we all look at the war stats yet? Pheonix rules!! good flying guys!

Ens Matt , Sun Oct 11 1:47:13 1998
I wanted to say good bye to our SL and my friend Shadow Doc. We´ll miss you.

CP Piett , Thu Oct 8 19:26:12 1998
Thanks!!! :)

SP Shadow Warrior , Tue Oct 6 20:50:23 1998
Congratulations on the Promotion CP Piett!!!!

ahem...CP Piett!! , Tue Oct 6 19:35:32 1998
Now, I wouldn't dream of willing allowing Imperial property to be destroyed, but, in the tragic event that we lost the FRG, I would call the new one something good like....hmm, er.....I'm thinking about it :)

LtJ Nr50 , Fri Oct 2 21:09:31 1998
*S* The 10/89 Squad war has started!

LtJ Nr50 , Fri Oct 2 14:24:34 1998
*S* Havn't you seen that increadibly scary chicken? anyway, I like the name...and if we (god forbid) loose the frigate in a war we would need a new one and I will ask you for a new name Piett :)

PL Piett , Thu Oct 1 20:19:57 1998
*S* Yeah, I've played Monkey Island, what a classic, but Chicken Devil, it hardly inspires fear into the hearts of the enemy!

CP Shadow Warrior , Thu Oct 1 18:25:36 1998
*S* so thats where you got the name from, i thought you knew a load of spanish, anyway half the other pilots wont know what it means!

Nr50 , Wed Sep 30 18:09:22 1998
Havn't you played monkey island? He's a pretty fearsome creature!

PL Piett , Wed Sep 30 15:35:25 1998
Chicken Devil!?!?!?!?!?! *S*

Ltj Shadow Doc , Wed Sep 16 23:48:50 1998
I just wanted to say... thanx.

Ens Matt , Wed Sep 16 23:41:32 1998
I´m the new Flight Leader,and I want to thank Shadow Doc, our SL, for his support and being a good friend, and Nr50 as well!!

PL Piett_ , Wed Sep 16 15:59:48 1998
*S* Congrats on the promotion Shadow Warrior and Matt. OK, so I wrote this just so that it looks likes someone is using this board, but well..... :)

LtJ Shadow Doc , Sat Aug 29 0:25:16 1998
I just wanted to say... We are looking great, so lets get out in the war to score for PHEONIX! I realy whant to win this war! (or end 2nd, yeah 3rd would be great to)

LtJ Nr50 , Thu Aug 27 15:37:34 1998
If you want to be in the wing IV tourney please email me...Time and date have not been set yet any suggestions are welcome.

PL_Piett_ , Wed Aug 26 16:16:59 1998
Thanks everyone, getting ready for the Weekend Of War... Oh yeah, if anyone wants a ladder match, I'm available (although probably as cannon fodder for you guys!)

EnS Shadow Doc , Wed Aug 26 13:46:27 1998
Oops, What it was supposed to say was, "U couldn't said it better"

EnS Shadow Doc , Wed Aug 26 13:45:31 1998
U could said it better Nr50! We all welcome u to Pheonix squadron, and hope that u are going to have as much fun as we do!

SP_Nr50 , Tue Aug 25 12:29:22 1998
I would also like to welcome Pilot Piett and Pilot saryon to Phoenix!

CP_Nr50 , Wed Aug 19 9:51:07 1998
Welcome to Phoenix squad Shadow Warrior!

hillie156 , Mon Aug 17 20:25:23 1998
Nr50 just knows how to do it

Shadow , Wed Aug 12 0:31:00 1998
Now the text next to our name is right... :-)

PIE_Morannon , Mon Aug 10 15:33:27 1998
Hey Tichy! I reported our match now. It was 2 days ago so I was afraid you forgot it.

CP_Nr50 , Mon Aug 10 12:48:53 1998
Sorry, but I was on a short leave on sunday.

Shadow , Sun Aug 9 15:21:25 1998
Nr50, Add NightFlyer and Slice to the database... As fast as u can...

Shadow , Sat Aug 8 21:19:22 1998
That submitt shit i dont understand... :-)

CP Nr50 , Sat Aug 8 8:52:37 1998
On the war page, put down the victory points in the 'team points' field. All other score and kill fields are optional.

PIE_Morannon , Sat Aug 8 5:26:33 1998
I would be a wonder if you win a single match ! It's 2 / 0 at the moment. So don't make yourself a fool ;-)

PIE_dethscream , Fri Aug 7 22:00:37 1998
in theory - we already have. please remove it will you, cause i can't stop laughing when i see it :) Just kidding :)

CP_Nr50 , Thu Aug 6 17:10:21 1998
I'll change it when you've won...

PIE_Shadow , Thu Aug 6 1:19:27 1998
We gonna kick your asses back to mars!!! j/k... i would like u to take away PIE= a potential target drone or whatever it was...

CP Nr50 , Wed Jul 29 14:36:36 1998
I've upgraded the war database, check it out. I like to know what you think and it needs a test drive...Still working on a way to diplay the results.

Chief Pilot Nr50 , Tue Jul 28 12:37:18 1998
Pheonix! (the translation of the runes is in the links page...

Fleet Admiral Hawkeye , Mon Jul 27 23:13:34 1998
This page looks good..but what is that title..what does it mean?

nunoteixeira , Mon Jul 20 22:26:56 1998
*S* ,this page is very good

nunoteixeira , Mon Jul 20 22:26:48 1998
*S* ,this page is very goo

8thLegion_NEVYN , Sun Jul 5 19:30:41 1998
nice page guys :-) well cya on the battle tonight.. We in the 8thLegion fly With hate and fury in our eyes As fire fills the sky We once beleived in life Now time to die FOR VICTORY!

LtJ Chipko , Sun Jul 5 12:46:00 1998
Great job on the warpage. Hope you've had a nice vacation. C u in space!

Matt , Tue Jun 30 21:05:27 1998
*S* Phoenix, Congratulations, you´ve done a nice work here, if I can help with anything just ask me.

Nr50 , Fri Jun 26 14:18:14 1998
*S* Pheonix,
I will be on vacation for 3 weeks so this page will not be updated. Good luck to you all in the War against the rebels and the 8th Legion!

CP Nr50 , Tue Jun 23 15:51:58 1998
Ok, I will link the rules to that page...

CMa Murfur , Tue Jun 23 15:21:55 1998
Nr50, you could check out this page.

Shadow_Doc , Mon Jun 22 3:11:21 1998
Ahh... it works! great job u have done here NR50

Special thanks to Raider for creating this page